High-quality machinery and know-how for the logistics and handling of grain

Grain Saver is our own brand name representing high-quality machinery for the logistics and handling of grain. All design, production and testing is undertaken under our control with the aim to provide enduring machinery with high capacity at a reasonable price.
Grain Saver is part of the Farm Mac Group, our mother company which for four decades has worked with Sweden as a base offering mobile, flexible and cost-effective technologies for field logistic, drying, storage and handling of cereals. Over the years, we have delivered machinery and equipment to satisfied customers in Sweden and abroad, from Irland in west to New Zealand in East and Angola in the south.
We work closely with our suppliers, having continuous improvements top of mind, to always be able to provide the smartest and most thoughtful solution for you. Since we are farmers we also think as farmers in terms of service and backup: We require the machines and systems that we provide to function flawlessly and do a good job in practical operation.
We have office and warehouse outside Landskrona.
In comparison to competition we are a small but highly customer-oriented company. Hence, you can always reach Per or Krister for a chat about our product range or the latest news in our field of competence.
Most welcome to contact us, being one of our existing or new customers!
Krister Wiengren and Per Christerson
The Story

Mobile, cost-effective and flexible storage solutions for grain. A complete concept, based on many years of practical experience, developed for all climatic conditions and needs around the world. A system which is the most cost-effective and flexible grain handling system available for all expanding farming and grain storage operations.
Low fixed-rate level, tremendous flexibility, good work environment with little dust problem, easily maintained and with great combination possibilities with existing drying and storage system is what distinguishes the Grain Saver concept. No other system is so flexible for storage of cereals!
Farm Mac has close to ten years of experience of on-site storage of grain in silo bags. A technology we have brought forward in recent years by the introduction of the new line of grain carts, grain bagger and extractor.
We have delivered a wide range of facilities to large farms and grain traders in Eastern and northern Europe, with customers who put a few hundred thousands of tons of grain per year, to smaller farm holdings in Scandinavia which need a buffer storage. We have also customer working in tropical areas in Asia since 2016 with good results in hot and humid climate.
In Sweden we work as contractors with Grain Saver, on high-cost markets, requesting high efficiency. This has forced us to develop a state-of-the-art grain bagging technology – The Grain Saver Concept. Labour needs are at a minimum and costs hence can be further decreased also on emerging markets, following our knowledge and competence.
Today we can offer you our new grain bagger for grain GS Bagger with a bagging capacity of about 200 ton/h, and grain extractor (GS Bag Eater) with a capacity of up to 200 tons/h. A rational set up, filling the grain bagger with two grain carts, reach more than 150 tons of grain bagging at an average per/h (incl stop, start, sealing of bags etc.) and extracting the grain to trucks can be done in practice at around 150 tons per hour. Grain bags can be put directly in the fields with Grain Saver wagons working with combiners in the field.
The technique is simple and in relation to most other storage solutions, the investment in a bagger and a grain cart means that largest share of the costs for the system are assigned to variable costs (staff, silo bags, fuel etc.) For those who already operate a grain cart at their operations, adding a bagger means cheap investment for huge potential grain storage. Our experience is that if four to five farms choose to invest in a bagger, all of them can make use of one extractor for the entire needs of the group of farmers; hence reducing the investment needs further. Grain Dealers or Coop’s facing peak delivery of grain during a short harvest often need extra storage capacity, when grain flow in large volumes from suppliers in harvest. Due to higher capacity of combiner, rationalization of farm operations and limited upgrades on farm level of grain storage, the flow of grain has increased a lot during recent years in many areas and countries around the world. The most cost-efficient approach to this is grain bagging! A large-scale grain storage depot, with mobile reception of grain, cleaning devices, laboratory, scale etc. can be established in about 10 days, creating huge opportunities for expansion of central storages in remote areas. In many countries, the storage technology is well-adapted for livestock farms and grain growers with or without grain driers, whom is lacking storage capacities or whom consider such installations as far too expensive to build or invest in.