Product line discontinued – contact us for spare parts.
The system of grain bagging is adopted around the world in all sorts of climatic conditions – From Russia, Canada and Sweden in the north to South Africa, Argentina, Brazil and Australia in the South. Storage in Kenya, India, Ukraine, Romania, China and many other countries has made grain bagging into one of the major storage solutions for world grain production.
History has shown – grain bagging is the ultimate flexible grain handling solution around the world, from it’s origin in the early 1970s to the upscaling in Argentina in the beginning of the new Millenium to today’s grain bagging taking on a large chunk of the total world storage. Grain Bagging, Silo Bolsa, Grain Saving, Getreide Schlausch, the system has many names.
Since 2005 Farm Mac has sold grain bagging equipment in Sweden and in eastern Europe and of course we run this system ourselves by bagging 40-50 000 tons of grain a year in southern and central Sweden.
Grain Saver took on the challenge how to build an efficient system with less staff and more streamlined applications than elsewhere found on the market. With two GS16,5/24,5, one bagger and a bag eater, a group of three people easily do 150 tons in and out per hour. Real capacity, day after day. No theoretical max capacity as many of our competitors talk about. But day after day, week in and out.
Flexible system
The system is adoptable to many logistical systems. It can be used as a short time pre-storage before drying and for long term storing of dry and low moisture grain.
Many of our clients have had a success story to bag for a few years while growing, later building out stationary storage solutions and when uncertain growth is again on the agenda, they bag grain again. Grain bagging is not a competitor to fixed installations. It is the opposit, it creates the flexibility for grain storage needed around the world.
Cost effective
Conditions around the world varies and the technology has to be adopted to the local conditions. Rats, mice and birds are a common threat all over the world. In some areas other animal like deeres and coyotes are a problem like in Canada. Wild boars and foxes can be a problem in Europe. Theft and vandalism can also be a problem in areas with lot of people. But there is always ways of keeping problems on a low level if you know how to handle things from the beginning.
Climate and moisture are a different challenge. In some areas the grain needs to be dried and cooled before putting into the bags and in other areas the grain can be stored straight into the bags after combiner.
Even if the system has some cost and storage disadvantages, the cost efficiency is most off the time fare better than the local obstacles if they are correctly handled from start.
The important thing is that you don’t need to invest in steel or concreate storages with this system and can in a short start-up period of a few days be up and running a commercial grain depo. After completed mission, you can move the facility and machines to a different place and the area is the same as it was before. In Sudan 2009 one of the largest grain bags depots in the world was built in the desert. It contained 250 000 ton of grain which were unloaded in a port from vessels and trucked out in the desert to be put into bags for long term storage. This – if anything – proves the enormous flexibility the system has.
Grain Bagger
Grain Saver Bagger is a grain bagging machine with a capacity of about 180-200 tons per hour. A well-built grain bagger requiring a tractor of 100-160 hp, designed and developed for efficient farming around the world.
The grain bagger is a low built equipment, fitted with a large grain hopper to receive grain from grain carts but can also be loaded by telescopic loader, front-end loaders or other means. The volume is generous, simplifying the driver’s work and reduces the risks of spillage and material losses during filling of the silo bags.
GS Bag Eater – grain extractor
GS Bag Eater is a grain bag extractor with one of the highest extraction capacity on the market. A professional model for large-scale activities with an extraction capacity of up to 200 tons per hour. The machine is equipped with a reversible loading auger and automatic reeling of the silo bag.
GS Bag Eater is a high performance machine that provides unprecedented opportunities to handle large volumes of grain in a short period of time. It works with a combination of augers and a chain elevator and have the large capacity for dry grain.
Silo Bags
Silobags in different sizes and dimensions are supplied by various manufacture. You can choose between standard quality suitable for bagging in warmer climatic zones and HD (high density) for colder climates.
Farm Mac offers silo bagging of cereals to complement existing grain storage. We carry out work across large parts of Sweden. In other countries we can support a upstart of grain bagging.
What Clients Say of grain bagging
We use grain bagging both for dried grain as well as for Maxamon-preservation of feedstuff (wet handling). It runs smooth and it is a very profitable system compared to traditional technologies. We are very content.
Erlend Röhnbäck, farmer and Grain Dealer Norway
Farming is uncertain. To make money on grain handling is easy but then you need a low cost, flexible system. Hence I chose mobile drier and grain bagging as my drying and storage system.
Dan Jonsson, farmer central Sweden
We have for several years used grain bagging as a mean to expand our grain handling. Over time, we have built more storage capacity but with grain bagging we can continue to grow with low risk. It is a good, simple system.
Jörgen Tagesson, Vallberga Lantmän, southern Sweden